Meal Benefits
Meal benefit applications can be filled out on-line or picked up at the district office, or the food pantry. Schedule an appointment with the District Office for assistance in completing an online application in person.
If you receive a letter from the District Office stating that you are eligible for free or reduced meals through the direct certification process, you do not need to fill out an application form.
We will process applications in a timely manner. It is important to fill out the application completely and return it as soon as possible.
If you are not on food share or BadgerCare, you need to renew your application every September and be approved in order to stay on the program.
Reach out with any questions to Stacey Post, 920-623-5950 ext. 3152
Infinite Campus Online Meal Benefits Application Instructions
Frequently Asked Questions- English
Frequently Asked Questions-Spanish
Permission to Share Form - English
Permission to Share Form - Spanish
Summer EBT
Summer EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) is an income-based program that helps families buy food for their children while school is out.