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Pricing, Payments, and Balances

2024-2025 Food Service Pricing


  Breakfast Pricing  



Cost Per    Day  



20 days  



90 Days  



  Full Year (176)  
































































Lunch       Pricing     



Cost Per    Day  



20 days  



90 Days  



  Full Year (176)  




































































 Per Semester (88 days) 



 All Year (176 days) 



  Milk (one per day) 









Unpaid Meal Charges Rule

Review the guidelines for how the Columbus School District is handling unpaid meal charges for student and staff food service accounts.

Unpaid Meal Charges Rule

Making Payments

In order to make any purchases, a student account MUST have a positive balance throughout the school year.

Student accounts can be blocked at parent's request by contacting the Food Service Director

Pay By Check or Cash

Envelopes are available in each school office or place payments in a sealed envelope with the student(s) full name, meal ID#, and amount enclosed.  

Payments received are processed and updated within 24 hours with the exception of holidays and vacations. 

Pay Online

Using your parent portal, you can track your student's meal account balance and spending habits.  

Payments to Food Service Infinite Campus-English

Go To English Parent Portal

Payments to Food Service in Infinite Campus-Spanish  

Go To Spanish Parent Portal

Video Payments to Food Service 

Columbus has no fees for credit card payments.  Don't forget to update your cellular devices to allow pop-ups if you choose to be alerted by an Infinite Campus App.


Negative Meal Account Balances

It is the parent or guardian's responsibility to keep your family account current.  Please remember to keep a positive balance in your account. Student account balances can be checked via the Infinite Campus Portal or stop in or call the school district.  Envelopes are available in each school office. There will be weekly reminders sent out through Infinite Campus and email when a student has a negative meal account balance.

Students in grades 6-12 are encouraged to check their meal balances on their home screen of infinite campus daily.  Cashiers do not have access to account balance information.  As students are learning fiscal responsibility, please contact the Food Service Director about ala carte blocks that can be placed on student accounts.  

Students may not purchase ala carte items if they do not have money in their accounts to buy the items.

The parent portal has a notification box that can be updated for a low balance email to be sent to you. The Food Service program recommends that you set that amount at $15.