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Student Services Programs

Child Find

The Columbus School District will be holding Developmental Screenings periodically throughout the year at the Columbus Elementary School. Developmental Screenings provide a free developmental check for children ages 2 years 9 months to 5 years old.

The purpose of the screening is to educate families about child development and to identify young children who are in need of further school-based assessments. District staff who are knowledgeable about typical milestones in all areas of development will be on hand to play with children, answer questions, and address any concerns that families may have regarding their child’s development. Hearing and vision screenings will be checked by the school district nurse..

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

The process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions" (Social and Emotional Learning Competencies, page 2).

The Human Connection Hub helps students to develop the skills, knowledge, and mindsets that will help them successfully their journey from childhood to adulthood. The general website is

  • The Human Connection Hub lessons have themes that are aligned with the 5 CASEL competencies:

Human Connection Theme

SEL Competency

Get to Know You


Commitment and Courage


F.A.I.L. (First Attempt In Learning)


Compassion in Action

Social Awareness


Relationship Skills

The Right Stuff

Responsible Decision-Making



Grit and Determination


Thank You

Social Awareness


Social and Emotional Learning/Counseling Standards

Resource: is a free resource offered to parents, by Second Step and the Committee for Children, that provides expert advice and practical tools for dealing with real parent-teen issues.

English Language Learning

Columbus services English Language Learners of different ethnic backgrounds throughout all grades 4K-12. Our program is a combination of push-in and pull out language instruction depending on students’ language proficiency levels and needs. Our goal is to make instruction and materials accessible for the academic success of all learners. We measure student language success using the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs test which is given annually..

Hannah Monthie
District ELL Teacher and Translator/ Interpreter for Spanish
920-350-0392 x3148