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Student Religious Accommodations

The Board of Education desires to cooperate with those parents who wish to provide for religious instruction for the children but also recognizes its responsibility to enforce the attendance requirements of the State. The Board shall permit students, with written parental permission, to be absent from school during required school periods at least sixty (60) minutes but not more than 180 minutes per week to obtain religious instruction outside of school.

A student must be properly registered and a copy of such registration must be filed with the principal. The supervisor of the religious instruction must report monthly to the District the names of the students who are attending the weekly instruction.

The District will assume no liability for a student while attending religious instruction nor will it provide transportation for such instruction.

No solicitation for attendance at religious instruction shall be permitted on District premises. No member of the staff shall encourage nor discourage participation in any religious instruction program.

118.155, WIS. STATS.

Please contact the building principal with questions. 920.623.5950.