4K Program Home
Columbus School District 4K
Monday, February 24, 2025 from 5:30-7:00 pm
Parents can meet the teachers and see the classrooms at ALL 4K sites. Our Licensed Group Daycares will also be invited to be at the Columbus Elementary School in our Cafeteria/Commons area to provide information to parents in regards to wrap around care opposite your child's 4K.
Questions? Please contact Karin Westlake at (920)623-5950 ext. 1155, email: KWestlake@columbus.k12.wi.us
4k Virtual Orientation Presentation
4K Round-Up (the initial sign up) will open on Tuesday, February 25th at 8:00 am. Please fill out this initial sign up form for 2025-2026 4K.
All 4-year-old children in the Columbus School District are entitled to a preschool education in one of our 4K programs. All of our 4K sites are play-based programs that recognize and meet the unique needs of each child in a developmentally appropriate, warm, nurturing environment. The School District partners with several community-based sites to provide parents options depending on each family’s needs.
Who can participate? Any child who is 4 years old on or before September 1st. If a family resides outside the Columbus School District, they may enroll their child in the Columbus School District 4K through the Open Enrollment Process if their home district offers a DPI approved 4K program. Dates for Open Enrollment are February 3, 2025- April 30, 2025. Here is the link for online Open Enrollment.
What is the cost to families? There is no tuition cost. Families who require additional child care services may wish to enroll in wrap-around care at the child care sites that offer it. This would be a cost outside the 4K program. A school fee for all 4K students is charged in the fall and can be paid online when registering or at the school with checks made out to the Columbus School District.
Where are the 4K sites and what times?
Columbus Elementary School - 200 Fuller Street (room C105), Columbus, WI. Morning program 7:50-11:05 M-Th and Afternoon program 12:00-3:15 Mon-Thurs.
Columbus Preschool - 213 Farnham St., Columbus, WI. Afternoon program 11:45-3:00 M-Th
St. Jerome’s - 1550 Farnham St. Columbus, WI (located in the small building behind the school). Morning Program 8:00-11:15. Wrap around care available. M-Th
All sites run Monday - Thursday
When are parents notified of what site their student has been placed in? Notifications of 4K placement will be sent to parents/guardians during the month of June.
Why are district 4K programs in Day Cares and Preschools? This is a common model in school districts across the State of Wisconsin. It is called Community Approaches. It offers parents a choice of settings for their children. Some parents might need wrap around day care services for their children. This allows fewer transitions from one site to another.
Will transportation be provided? Transportation will be provided following the current Columbus School District Guidelines and busing areas. Discuss with your daycare provider about transportation opportunities.
When do I register my child for 4K? Fill out the initial form from the link above to pick your 4K site. Annual registration is done through the Columbus School District via a link that you will receive on July 1st. This is required for all families in 4K-12th grade every year.
CES PK4 School Fee $26.48