- Art Club
- Forensics
- French & Spanish Club
- Math Club
- National Honor Society
- Student Council
- Project UNIFY
- Build Moto
Art Club
Art Club is open to all students interested in the creative process. The club meets once a month during activity period. Members of the Art Club may compete at the Visual Arts classic held in Madison. Club members will also find out about several student art shows in the area. Members will have the option to design club t-shirts and participate in art activities designed by students such as painting trash receptacles for the city.
Future Business Leaders Of America
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) is open to all students who are interested in pursuing a career in business. Officers are chosen in the spring for the next year except for class officers who are chosen in the fall. The club runs throughout the year. Activities and services include - attending a fall leadership conference, competing at the Regional, State, and National level, running a school snack shop, attending a field trip to Madison area businesses, and many other school related projects and services.
Innovation Grants
Interested in winning $125? How about a $250 chapter prize? Check out this information on Innovation Grants!
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French & Spanish Club
Math Club
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society is dedicated to the development of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. NHS members plan and perform various service and leadership activities throughout the school year. Students are first eligible for selection at the end of the sophomore year. Candidates need a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or higher, at least three leadership roles, several hours of community service, and character references.
Article I – Name
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be The Columbus High School National Honor Society in affiliation with the National Honor Society.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1: The purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in students at Columbus High School.
Section 2: The Columbus High School National Honor Society will recognize, by membership, those students who display the attributes listed above, as judged by the Faculty Selection Committee.
Article III – Powers
Section 1: The organization has the right to organize activities that will be performed by the members and overseen by the adviser(s).
Section 2: The Principal of Columbus High School has the right to veto any decision(s) made by the organization.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1: A member shall be selected by the Faculty Council based on scholarship, character, service, and leadership.
Section 2: A member has active status upon selection and induction until graduation, unless dismissed by the Faculty Council.
Section 3: At graduation, a member attains graduate status with no further voice or vote in the organization.
Section 4: Honorary membership may be granted to foreign exchange students whom the Faculty Council feels deserve the honor.
Article V – Selection Process
Section 1: The selection process for prospective members shall begin after the grading periods of Term 1 for eligible seniors and Term 2 for eligible sophomores and juniors.
Section 2: The student who has attained a cumulative 3.6 grade point average or higher will be eligible to complete a student information form which documents the student’s service and leadership in school and the community, as well as includes character references. The faculty as a whole will complete evaluations for each eligible student.
Section 3: The Faculty Council, consisting of five faculty members, will review the information forms, faculty evaluations, and student records. NHS members will be selected by a majority vote.
Section 4: Dismissal of a member from the organization shall be by majority vote of the Faculty Council. The member shall have five (5) school days after notification of failure to uphold National Honor Society standards of service, leadership, scholarship, and character, and/or lack of participation in the organization in which to arrange attendance at a dismissal hearing. Arrangements shall be made through the Principal.
Article VI – Meetings
Section 1: The meetings of the organization shall be held monthly at a time assigned by the school office.
Section 2: The NHS President, with approval of the adviser, may call additional meetings as needed.
Section 3: Members shall attend all meetings and participate in those activities that are voted upon by the membership. Non-attendance at a meeting must be cleared with the adviser prior to the meeting, except if due to absence from school. Failure to attend meetings may result in dismissal from the organization.
Section 4: The adviser(s) shall attend the meetings, advise the students, and approve all agendas and activities.
Article VII – Officers, Duties, and Responsibilities
Section 1: The officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicity Chair.
Sections 2: It is the duty of the officers to conduct the meetings and to organize the members to fulfill the activities of the organization. The President shall conduct the meetings, organize the agenda, and prepare necessary materials prior to meetings. The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and assist the President with duties as needed. The Treasurer shall collect and deposit monies and report on such. The Secretary shall record minutes of meetings in the appropriate record book. The Publicity Chair shall advertise activities and prepare newsletters for publication.
Section 3: The President may appoint other committees as needed.
Article VIII – Elections
Section 1: Officers of the organization for the next school year will be elected by a majority vote of sophomores and juniors present at the last meeting of the membership for the year.
Section 2: Officers of the organization may be removed by a majority vote of the membership for failure to fulfill the duties of their office.
Section 3: Vacancies that occur in the offices will be filled by majority vote of the membership.
Article IX – Rules
Section 1: Meetings will be conducted in an orderly fashion, following standards for parliamentary procedure such as Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article X – Amending the by-Laws
Section 1: By-Laws will be ratified by the majority vote of the membership.
Section 2: Amendments to the By-Laws may be done by a majority vote of the membership at a regular meeting with prior written notification to the membership and advisor(s).
Procedures for Selection and Dismissal
Eligibility for membership in the National Honor Society is based on scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The procedures for selection used by Columbus High School are aligned with the procedures set out by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the organization that governs the National Honor Society.
Determination of Eligible Candidates
To be eligible for candidacy, a student must be at least a second-semester sophomore and have a
cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.6 or above. Students who have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or better will be notified by the NHS adviser of eligibility.
Completion of the Student Activity Information Form
As part of the notification process, students will be instructed to complete a Student Information
Form. This form is the document whereby students supply the necessary scholarship, leadership, service, and character information used in the selection process. No student is selected for membership simply by completing the form.
A deadline will be set for returning the completed Student Information Form. Students who choose not to return a completed form or return the form after the deadline will not be considered for membership during that current school year.
Review of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character
A committee of five teachers, referred to as the Faculty Council, is given the authority of selecting candidates for membership. The adviser, functioning as the student advocate, collects and organizes necessary information regarding each candidate and then facilitates the selection meeting where this information is reviewed.
The Faculty Council sets minimum standards for leadership and service, as well as expectations for character. The Faculty Council will review each candidate’s Student Information Form, evaluations from faculty members, and student discipline and attendance records. Those candidates who meet or exceed the standards for scholarship, leadership, service, and character will be selected for membership. Selection into NHS is a privilege bestowed upon students by the faculty of Columbus High School and is not a right inherent to any student.
Students will be notified of their selection or non-selection for membership. Students of junior or sophomore standing not selected will be eligible for selection the following year, if they maintain a 3.6 GPA or higher.
Non-selection Review and Appeals Process
In seeking to understand the reasons for non-selection, a student may request a meeting for clarification. Below is the proper procedure that must be followed by the student when seeking clarification, before an appeal can be granted:
- Consult with the chapter adviser. The chapter adviser facilitates the selection meeting and may be able to clarify the selection process and any decisions that were made regarding the information provided.
- File a formal appeal. Because NHS encourages leadership and strong character, students are expected to initiate and speak on their own behalf when seeking an appeal.
Any student who submitted a Student Information Form, but who was not selected for membership, may choose to appeal the Faculty Council’s decision using the process outlined below:
A. Within five school days of the date of the non-selection letter, the candidate must:
- Submit a typed letter to the adviser, written to the Faculty Council, clearly stating the reason for the appeal and addressing the concerns of the Faculty Council related to the student’s scholarship, leadership, service, or character.
- The letter should address specific concerns and clarify information provided in the Student Information Form.
- A student cannot include information that was omitted or documentation that was not submitted during the initial selection process.
B. Within five school days of receipt of the candidate’s letter of appeal, the adviser will:
- Provide copies of the student’s letter to the Faculty Council.
- Initiate a Faculty Council meeting where the concerns will be discussed.
- Personally deliver a decision letter from the Faculty Council to the student.
All decisions from the Faculty Council’s appeals meeting are final.
Induction Ceremony
A candidate cannot become an actual member of the National Honor Society without participating in the induction ceremony. The details of the ceremony will be communicated to the selected candidates and their parents/guardians.
Maintenance of High Standards
Current members of the National Honor Society are instructed during the ceremony to uphold the ideals of the Society. National Honor Society members should understand that they are subject to discipline and/or dismissal if they do not maintain the standards of scholarship, leadership, service, and character that were used as a basis for their selection. Described below is the procedure that is followed in disciplining members of and dismissing members from the Columbus High School Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Discipline and Dismissal
The chapter adviser periodically reviews the standing of members for compliance with NHS standards. Examples include but are not limited to: maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or higher, compliance with school rules and procedures, maintaining academic honesty, completion of service hours, and participation in chapter meetings and activities.
The Faculty Council is called together to review situations in which a current member is in jeopardy of dismissal from the Society. When a member falls below the standards, the adviser will initiate the appropriate process outlined below:
- Members who fall below the standards that were the basis for their selection shall be promptly warned in writing by the chapter adviser and given a reasonable amount of time to correct the deficiency, except that in the case of flagrant violation of school rules or the law, a member doesnot have to be warned.
- The adviser in consultation with the principal shall determine when an individual has exceeded a reasonable number of warnings, in cases when the discipline situations involved warnings. The student and parent(s) will be notified in writing of the impending dismissal.
- In all cases of pending dismissal, a member shall have a right to a hearing before the FacultyCouncil. The student should contact the principal to arrange attendance at the hearing. At the hearing, the student may present their arguments for maintaining their NHS membership.
- For purposes of dismissal, a majority vote of the Faculty Council is required. Once a student is dismissed, he/she is never again eligible for membership in or benefits of National Honor Society.
- A member who has been dismissed may appeal the decision of the Faculty Council to the Principal within 5 days of the Faculty Council decision. During the appeals meeting with the principal, the student must present their arguments for maintaining their NHS membership.
The National Association of Secondary School Principals does not hear appeals in non-selection or dismissal cases. (NHS Handbook, NASSP, 18th Edition; Article IX, Section 5 and Article X, Section 7.)
Student Council
Student Council has become a year-long activity. One can run for election by his/her class or in a new program that will be a teacher nomination process. The purpose of Student Council is to engage in activities that will help to make a good school experience for our students and to make for a more responsible person for those in the Council.
Project UNIFY
Build Moto
BUILD Moto Mentor Program (BUILD) is an educational tech-ed club experience for high school students. Pairing students with industry mentor volunteers, we provide an educational program that fosters intellectual and technical curiosity that supports the early-stage development of skills needed in today's workplace. BUILD provies a STEM based, family focused after-school program organized around strong teamwork and fostering interpersonal skills. Program participants will gain exposure to real-world applications in the motorcycle industry using Geometry, Physics, Budgeting, Project Planning and Time Management, Public Speaking, Marking & Social Media. Technical skills include but are not limited to Design, Welding, Fabrication, Mechanical repair, Electrical systems, Tuning, and Internal combustion engine function. Safety procedures, regulation and rules adherence will encapsulate the experience culminating in a formal and visible competition with awards and recognition.
Teamss comprised of high school students will be tasked to design and construct a motorcycle to American Motorcycle Association (AMA) district racing standards ( to compete in a spec class flat track race event. Each team will be organized around a faculty advisor and adult mentors/coaches guiding students through the planning, design, and build phases. The hands-on portion of the build will occur at the start of the new calendar year during weekly meetings at a host location. Students must perform the work under the supervision of their advisor or mentors. A schedule of key milestones and a timeline for the build will be provided at the start of each season with project completion typically occurring in mid-May.
The pictures below show Jack and Caden recording detailed measurements of the stock front and rear suspension. The hours of class time learning about the geometry of a mortorcycle paid off as they understood what they were measuring and if their planned modifications to the suspension angles were accurate/possible. At the same time, Dr. I and Mr. Freund removed the stock exhaust and will use flexible tubing to create a template for the race exhaust system they will make from scratch. The template will ensure a perfect fit and proper flow rate of the final set of pipes.
Removing stock exhaust pipe
Removing front suspension
Recording measurements of front and rear suspensions.
Measuring suspension angles
BUILD Moto Fundraiser
Students from the BUILD Moto club have built a table to help fundraise money for their motorcycle project. Images of the table are below.